Biz Heroes with JPH

Exploring the Lunar Influence: A Journey Into Crystal Magic with Kayla Spence

Johanna Patrice Hagarty

When you think of the moon, what comes to mind? Perhaps its calming light, or the tides it influences. But have you ever considered how it could be playing a vital role not just in nature, but in our lives and the energy around us? Meet Kayla Spence, founder of 'Ruled by the Moon', a unique crystal-based business that embraces this philosophy. Tune in as she shares about her entrepreneurial journey, starting with simple crystal jewelry and evolving to incorporate candles, soaps, and various trinkets, each with a touch of crystal magic. Kayla's belief in the moon's power and the energy of crystals permeates her work, making her creations affordable, beautiful, and meaningful.

To Kayla, a crystal isn't just a piece of jewelry; it is the star of the show. Her minimalist approach to design emphasizes the crystal more than the wire, making her pieces stand out. But the allure does not stop at aesthetics; Kayla believes in educating her customers about the energy and meaning behind each crystal. So, whether you're seeking healing, curiosity has piqued your interest, or you're just in search of a unique piece of jewelry, don't miss this episode. Join us and explore the fascinating world of crystals and how they can influence your life. Remember, as Kayla says, "The crystal you need will pick you!

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Hello, this is Joanna Patrice Haggerty and I'm on location at the 2023 Holiday Pop-Up Market at the Asheville Mall, sponsored by WWBC and BizRadious. We have over 50 local women entrepreneurs here selling their goods and getting their name out there for folks. Joining me now is Kayla Spence, founder of Ruled by the Moon. Thanks for being here, kayla. Thank you so much, so happy to have you. I want to talk a little bit about your business. So when was it started and what do you offer?

Kayla :

So I started the business, I would say a little over seven years ago. It started with just the crystal jewelry and then, I guess, when I moved away from this area just a couple years ago, we started adding like candles resin. We actually make soaps as well, and crystals are included in everything. There's crystals in the candles, surprise crystals in the soaps. Oh, fun, like. We try to make sure you have crystals in any way possible.


I love that, and you told me before we started that the name was kind of special, so can you tell me how that came?

Kayla :

about? Yeah, so I thought about it for a long time and Ruled by the Moon. So I feel like everything is kind of Ruled by the Moon, especially in my life. My sign is a cancer. Cancers are the only sign that's ruled by the Moon. Wow, I feel like the strongest way to cleanse any crystal is sitting it out underneath the full Moon and then on top of that, you know, cancers are a water sign. The second best way to cleanse your crystals is in salt water. The Moon controls the water and it just kind of all connects.


I love that. It's really beautiful and understanding that nature is really an important and a powerful motivator for us, even if we aren't fully comprehending what's happening.

Kayla :

Right, I love that the Moon really does have like a lot of control over more than we realize.


Yeah, it's pretty amazing, as science comes out to explain some of that. Yeah, well, I'd love to know a little bit about the philosophy behind why you create what you do and how you create what you do.

Kayla :

Okay, so I do a lot of wire wrapping specifically, but it did grow into, like I do resin jewelry too, just all kinds of little knick-knacks, hair accessories. But generally, especially here in Asheville, there's a lot of crystal wire wrappers that do very intricate wraps with a lot of wire, a lot of technique, and it is beautiful by all means. It takes a lot of talent, but when I started like, I really just wanted to like, I wanted the crystal to be the star of the show and not the wire. So I do very minimalist, beautiful but still beautiful wire wrapping and very affordable because the very intricate wraps can be very expensive too, which they are worth it. They put a lot of work into it.

Kayla :

But you know, I run into a lot of people that just keep their crystals in their pocket, and so my real philosophy was just to make something simple, affordable, so they can wear it around and not have to hold it and keep up with it and still have something beautiful.


I love that so much.

Kayla :

And, yeah, really focusing on what you're bringing to the table and not the jewelry you're adorning around it, yeah, yeah, mainly just the crystals, like not like they are beautiful, but not just the beauty, like they have so much energy behind it. But I've been doing these markets for like seven plus years and ran into so many people that don't even know what the crystals are. So when you come up to my table, like first thing I'm gonna say is the crystal you need will pick you. So you just pick out whatever you need, whatever you like, and I tell them what it means, and I'm telling you 98% of the time. When I show them the description, they're like this is literally exactly what I needed, and so I'm very proud to be able to do that too. I get a lot of compliments on being able to provide the knowledge behind it and all of those characteristics with it too.


It makes it important to know again, like you said, if you're drawn to something and then it has this spiritual or connected meaning, to be able to put that together. It really helps people heal. So for anyone who is curious to find a crystal of yours or purchase some of your wares, where can they go to find that information? How can they connect with you?

Kayla :

So I am in the process of trying to make some kind of website or Etsy where you can go straight on and just purchase, but maybe hearing this might make people understand the way I do it right now a little bit more. You can contact me through Facebook, email that's on my card Instagram and even TikTok and you can contact in order directly through me. I post a lot of sales on Facebook and Instagram. I do tarot readings on there just to join for free, fine. But I like to talk to the people personally and you know again, let them know what they're getting, what the crystal does, and just be able to talk to them about any details and make sure that they're happy, they understand, they know what's going on, instead of just like having someone go in and click on some random thing.


Absolutely, you're trying to build that relationship.

Kayla :

I know a lot of people really want to do that quick and easy stuff too, so I'm going to get that eventually.


Let me recommend strikingly free, cheap, easy website. Go that route. But what I will say is people can find you it was what ruled BT moon when they're on all of the social platforms. So have them check you out on their favorite social platform and send you a message or connect that way. Yes, so.

Kayla :

Facebook is ruled BT moon. Tiktok and Instagram are both flow ruled by the moon. Okay, perfect, cause I'm like a flow artist, so it's like flow.


Oh, I love that. Well, hopefully people can find you and can reach out, and thank you so much for being here today and for bringing all that you do to Western North Carolina, kayla.

Kayla :

Yes, thank you so much for letting me get the information out there. Absolutely.


Yes, and thank you for listening. Be sure to check out bizradious for more great conversations around small and mid-sized businesses, leaders and innovators.